Our subscriptions

Select the subscription that suits you

KYP subscriptions
  • Essential

    Ideal for easy monitoring of your domain
    50 0 € HT / Month / Month
    60 0 € TTC / Month / Month
    No contract Yearly contract
    • Data entry via smartphone or web (vineyard + winery)
    • Dynamic monitoring of the wine making process
    • Key indicators to help decision making
    • Importing data
    • 3 simultaneous user accesses
  • We recommend this KYP subscription

    KYP Essentiel Annuel

    Paiement annuel
    300 0 € HT / Month / Month
    360 0 € TTC / Month / Month
    No contract Yearly contract
    • Saisie des données via smartphone ou appli web
    • Suivi dynamique du déroulement de l’élaboration des vins
    • Indicateurs synthétiques pour simplifier la prise de décision
    • Historique des données et des lots
    • Importation et exportation des données
    • 3 accès utilisateurs simultanés
  • Premium

    Optimal to benefit from Vivelys' expertise
    600 0 € HT / Month / Month
    720 0 € TTC / Month / Month
    No contract Yearly contract
    • Personalized hotline with a Vivelys consultant or Product Owner
    • 5 one-hour visits from a Vivelys specialist for personalized advice
    • We take into consideration all proposals for new features

Several options

For a unique service that corresponds
100% to your needs

Number of accounts to be defined
Contact us!

Contact our customer service department available from Monday to Friday,

from 9 am to 6 pm, at 04 67 85 35 62